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Galaxy Seed Energy Bar Mix

Regular price $18.00

GalaxSEEDTM ENERGY BAR MIX  This unique hemp blend will provide you with natural energy from the goodness of super seed ingredients. 

  • Make 16 Raw Bars in MINUTES
  • Non-GMO, Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Macro Friendly Dieting
  • No Soy, No Gluten, No Egg, No Corn, No Dairy, No BS, No Nonsense
  • Food Bar, Sport Bar, Meal Bar, Snack Bar
  • 8g complete protein
  • You Control Your Sweetener
  • Dietary Flexible
  • Functional Food

This mix is a great buy! You'll be hard pressed to purchase the individual seeds in this package for less. We've made it easy and simple. Within minutes you'll prepare 16 bars by adding 1/2 cup of your favorite sweetener syrup (we prefer natural maple syrup) to the contents of the package in a bowl. Stir up, FIRMLY pat into 8 X 8 pan, and place in the refrigerator overnight. Once firm, cut into 16 - 2 inch squares.

A wonderful source of Omegas! Provides protein, iron, magnesium and more. Keep the bars on hand for clean eating at any time.

OPTIONS: If your diet is restricted from sugars, you can substitute coconut oil for the sweetener syrup. Or, you don't have to make the bars to get the goodness of this super seed blend. Add 2.5 tablespoons of GalaxSEED  to cereal, oatmeal, salad, yogurt, or your smoothie to get the nutrition boost of 8g of protein that's packed with omegas, iron and magnesium.

Another way to #EatSomeHemp!

INGREDIENTS: Hemp Seeds, Raw Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, and a touch of Sea Salt. Bags contains 14oz / 16-servings per bag

All our products are Gluten Free and packaged in a certified gluten free, peanut free, Kosher facility in Michigan, U.S.A.

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